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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
In 1989 the plaintiff and defendant married each other in terms of customary law. Their marriage was however not registered. After a period of about ten years living together in the manner of husband and wife they decided to have their marriage solemnized in terms of the Marriages Act [Cap 5:11] of the Laws of Zimbabwe. Their marriage was thus solemnized on 11 February 1999 at Harare in terms of the Marriages Act. That marriage still subsists. More

An order for civil imprisonment is hereby granted in favor of the plaintiff 2. The Sheriff for Zimbabwe, or his deputy, is ordered to arrest the defendant, George Frangoulis of 86 Maungwe Street, Rusape, Zimbabwe, for a period of 90 (Ninety) days in the Remand Prison and deliver him together with a copy of this writ, to the Prison at Remand, where he shall be kept until: (a) Defendant has paid the judgment debt, together with the interest and costs that are due or (b) The period of 90 (ninety) days form the dater of his delivery to the prison... More

On 29 September 2016 the applicant appeared in the Magistrates Court sitting at Mutare facing a charge of unlawfully possessing a specially protected animal, namely a pangolin in contravention of s 45 (1) (b) as read with s 128 of the General Laws Amendment Act (GN 148/2011) of the Parks and Wildlife Act [Chapter 20:14]. In short, the applicant in the company of 4 accomplices had approached a police officer who was disguised as a potential buyer with the intention of selling two live pangolins. The applicant was actually carrying one of the pangolins. They got arrested. The applicant pleaded... More

The applicant seeks a declaratur that; 1) The Water (Permits) Amendment Regulations, 2015 (No. 5) published under Statutory Instrument 52/2015 on 24 April 2015 by the third respondent is ultra vires the Water Act [Chapter 20:24] and is accordingly invalid and of no force and effect. More

In this application the applicant applies for bail pending appeal based on changed circumstances following the dismissal of his previous application by MUREMBA J on 13 December, 2017 in a judgment recorded as HH 216/18. On 22 February, 2018, the applicant acting in person, filed an application which was however withdrawn by his legal practitioners after assuming agency. They then filed the present application on 2 March, 2018. The legal practitioners requested of MUREMBA J for reasons for her order dismissing the previous application. MUREMBA J duly supplied the said reasons as judgment HH 216/18 as already indicated. On 12... More