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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Applicant is an ex-member of the Zimbabwe Republic Police, (ZRP). He was attested into the Police Service on 2 February 2011. He was discharged from service by 1st respondent on 10 January 2017. He appealed that decision to the 2nd respondent. 2nd respondent dismissed the appeal on 25 October 2017. It is that decision which is the subject of this application for review. The grounds for review are set out ex-facie the application. More

The applicant was discharged from the Zimbabwe Republic Police on 30 December 2014 by the second respondent, the Commissioner General of Police in terms of the Police Act [Chapter 11:10] after having been declared a deserter. More

The applicant approached this court seeking a declarator in the following terms: That, 1. The discharge of the applicant from the Zimbabwe Republic Police by the first and second respondents be and is hereby declared unlawful and wrongful. 2. The first and second respondents are ordered to reinstate the applicant with full benefits from the date of discharge to the date of reinstatement. 3. The respondents are ordered to pay costs of suit. More

I heard this application on 26 September, 2017. I delivered an ex tempore judgment in which I granted the applicant’s prayer. The respondents wrote to the registrar of this court on 24 November 2017. They did so through their legal practitioners of record. They requested for reasons for my decision. These are they: More

The first applicant is a retired member of the Zimbabwe Republic Police. The remaining applicants are all serving members of the organization. All four of them appeared before the second respondent, the trial officer, facing the charge of contravening para 34 as read with para 11 of the Schedule to the Police Act [Chapter 11.10]. They pleaded not guilty to the charge and raised an exception. The exception was to the effect that the charge, as framed, did not disclose an offence. They argued, in pursuance of the exception, that the two circulars under which they were charged were not... More