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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The brief facts of this case have been properly summarized by the respondent in its heads of argument filed on 3 March 2005 and are as follows: - The appellant and the respondent entered into a written agreement in respect of property referred to as Number 4 Wellington Avenue, Belvedere, Harare (the property). The duration of the lease was for 12 months. More

The appellant was arraigned before the court sitting at Harare Magistrate’s Court for contravening s 52 (2) (a) of the Road Traffic Act [Chapter 13:11]-negligent driving. After a trial the appellant was convicted and sentenced to pay a fine of US$300-00, in default of payment to serve one month imprisonment. More

This is a composite court application for condonation for the late filing of an application for rescission of default judgment and the rescission of default judgment in terms of rule 29(1) of the High Court Rules, 2021. The default judgment was handed down by this court on 18 July 2022. In that judgment, the court ordered the applicant (who was the second respondent therein) to deliver to the first respondent (the applicant therein) the outstanding 1, 020, 26 cubic metres of granite blocks, alternatively, pay the sum of US$446 322.31 being the total value of the 1, 020, 26 cubic... More

The applicant approached the court on a Certificate of Urgency setting a Provisional Order in the following terms “Final Order Sought 1. The decision of the first respondent in Case Number R254-7/15 R300/15 wherein she ordered that the exhibit amounting to US5 545.00 be given to the second respondent is set aside and replaced with the following decision. 2. Party (ies) opposing application to pay costs of suit. More

This is a claim for damages arising out of the arrest and detention of the plaintiff by members of the Zimbabwe Republic Police on 10 October 2016. In the summons the plaintiff claims a sum of US$12 000 as damages for “illegal arrest, detention and infringing (of) the plaintiff’s constitutional rights in terms of s 50(1) and (2), 51 and 70(1)(a) and (b) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) Act 2013”. More