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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The Applicant approached this court for an eviction order. More

Before us is an appeal against the decision of the magistrates’ court which granted an application for summary judgment thereby evicting the appellant and all those claiming occupation through her from Stand No 985 Mabelreign Township, also known as No 16 Shashi Flats Mabelreign, Harare. In addition the appellant was ordered to pay to first and second respondents, the sum of US$700.00 being rent arrears from 1 November 2020 to May 2021, to be paid at the prevailing bank rate. US$100.00 per month was also payable to third respondent as holding over damages from June 2021 to the date of... More

The first applicant is a mining company registered according to the laws of Zimbabwe. The applicant is a member of the New Dawn Mining group which owns and operates a number of mines in this country. The second applicant is a private limited company which holds a tribute agreement to mine several of first applicant’s mining claims generally known as Antelope. These are the claims in dispute. They are fully described in the draft order. They will be referred to hereinafter as the mining claims. The respondent is cited in his official capacity tasked with the administration duties in terms... More

This is an urgent chamber application in which the two applicants seek an order interdicting the first to eleventh respondents, their employees, assignees, invites and all those claiming through them from mining any ore within the boundaries of the first applicant’s mining claims located in Maphisa Kezi. The details of the specific mining claims are given in the draft provisional order. Applicants also seek an order interdicting the same respondents from removing any mined ore, dump or sands from the said claims boundary. More

This is an urgent chamber application for an order interdicting the first to tenth respondents, their employees, assignees, invitees and all other persons claiming occupation through these respondents from mining ore at the disputed mining claims located in Maphisa, Kezi and from removing any mined ore, dump or sands from the said claims. The relief is being sought pending determination of the action instituted under Case Number HC 6672/23 for the ejectment of these respondents from the claims. More