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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The critical facts of this matter are a largely common cause and are as follows: On 15 October 2020, the parties entered into an Instalment Sale of Land. The land in question is situate in the District of Gwelo, being Lot 2 of Lot 1G MNYANI measuring 112 0001 hectares (the property), for US$1 500 000.00. The Applicant (the Purchaser) was to pay to the Respondents (the Sellers) a Deposit amount in the sum of US$800 000.00. It happened that at the time the parties signed the sale agreement of sale this deposit amount had already been paid way back... More

The plaintiff and defendant are wife and husband. They married each other in Harare on 23 September 1994 in terms of the marriage Act [Cap 5:11]. The marriage was blessed with two male children Nyasha (born on 12 March 1996) and Hillary (born on 25 October 1998). On 11 July 2007 the plaintiff issued summons seeking a decree of divorce on the basis of irretrievable breakdown, an order of sharing of matrimonial property, custody of the two minor children, an order of maintenance for the two minor children and that each party bears own costs. The defendant conceded that the... More

The applicant approached the court with an application for bail pending review of proceedings which took place on 11 April 2013 at Kadoma magistrate court. The back ground to the application being that on 11 April 2013 the applicant appeared before Kadoma magistrate on a charge of contravening of s 3 (1) (a) of the Domestic Violence Act [Cap 5:16]. The applicant pleaded guilty to the charge, was convicted and sentenced to 16 months imprisonment of which 6 months imprisonment was suspended for 5 years on the usual conditions of good behaviour. The applicant was aggrieved and he noted an... More

The two applications were consolidated for purposes of hearing by consent to accommodate the investigating officer who is common to both cases so that he testified once in relation to both applications. The applicants stand charged with the offence of robbery committed in aggravating circumstances (colloquially called “Armed robbery”) as defined in s 126 (1) (a) (b). The charges against the applicants arise out of their alleged involved in a robbery involving the waylaying of a cash in transit carrying vehicle laden with USD$2 775 000.00 belonging to ZB Bank and destined for delivery to the bank’s branches in Chinhoyi,... More

The applicant and the second respondent have a long history of litigation between themselves. The second respondent has in her favour a judgment against the applicant under Case No HH 675/21 wherein she was awarded damages for sexual harassment to the tune of USD 180 000. The amount remains unpaid. In the quest of getting what is due to her the second respondent instructed the first respondent the Sheriff of Zimbabwe to attach the applicant’s property. The property was duly attached being a half share in an immovable property called Lot 2 of Lot 41 of Hatfield measuring 4047 metres... More