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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This judgment is in respect of two appeals which were consolidated for the purposes of the hearing. The first matter, under CRB MB-CD 1981/22 is an appeal against the sentence imposed upon the appellant following conviction on two counts of unlawful entry in aggravating circumstances. In the first count the appellant was sentenced to 36 months imprisonment of which six months imprisonment was suspended for three years on condition of good behaviour, and a further six months imprisonment was suspended on condition of restitution. In the second count the appellant was sentenced to 36 months imprisonment of which six months... More

The two applicants lodged this application to compel the first respondent to supply the applicants with further and better particulars to enable the applicants to plead to some of the first respondent’s particulars of claim. The second to the twelfth respondents were cited in these proceedings for purposes of just informing them of the steps that have been taken since they are the applicants’ co-defendants in the matter under Case Number HC 10679/16. The facts are that the applicants and the second and twelfth respondents were jointly and severally sued by the first respondent for the payment of the sum... More

On 25 April 2018 the applicants filed a court application for a declaratur seeking the following relief against the respondent More

This appeal was heard and finalised on 20 October 2016 when we delivered an ex tempore judgment. The appellant has requested for the written reasons for our disposition. More

:I dealt with this application on 25 July, 2018. I delivered an ex tempore judgment in which l dismissed it with costs. I indicated that my reasons for the decision would follow. These are they: The judgment creditor which is the third respondent in casu is a group of former employees of Central Estates (Pvt) Ltd, the judgment debtor. It successfully sued the judgment debtor for arrear salaries or wages which are to the tune of $228 945. It did so through arbitration. More