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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The intriguing legal issue raised in this application is whether or not a deceased during their life time can donate inter vivos an immovable property registered in the name of a company and if so, the legal consequences arising therefrom. [2] The facts of this matter are presented very simply by the applicant. She is the daughter of the later Matthew Chimbgandah (the deceased) who passed away on the 14th of March 2019. His estate under DR. 805/19 is being administered by the 1st respondent in his capacity as the executor. More

It is pertinent to highlight the factual background to HC3727/18 in order to place the present application into perspective. The first to fourth respondents herein instituted motion proceedings in terms of Order 49 Rule 449(1)(a) of the High Court rules (the rules) under HC3727/18. The application sought the setting aside of a court order granted by TAKUVA J on 7 October 2013 under HC7402/13 on the basis that it was erroneously made. In HC 3727/18, the first to fourth respondents herein were the applicants, while the applicant herein was the first respondent. The fifth to ninth respondents herein were the... More

This is a matter in which plaintiff instituted action against the first, second, third, fourth and fifth defendants claiming against all the defendants jointly and severally the one paying the others to be absolved payment of (a) the sum of $79 371.94 (b) interest on the sum of $79 371.94 at the rate of 35% per annum calculated from the 3rd September 2013 to the date of payment in full (c) collection commission in terms of the Law Society of Zimbabwe By Laws 1982 and (d) costs of suit on the attorney and client scale. More

This is an application for vindication. The applicant gives the background to the application in the following terms:- “4. Respondent was employed by the applicant as a Brach Manager. As part of his employment benefits,respondent was allocated a motor vehicle for his duties namely a motor vehicle Isuzu Registration Number ABC 4719. The enjoyment of usage of this vehicle attached to the office holder of Branch Manager for the applicant. 5. Respondent’s contract of employment was terminated on 29 September 2009 following disciplinary proceedings. An appeal was lodged. The respondent has an appeal pending in the Labour Court where he... More

Applicant seeks an order for the re-registration of mortgage bonds as well as a caveat on a piece of land described as Stand Number 80 Borrowdale Brooke Township of Subdivision H of Borrowdale Brook Estate. This immovable property, (“Stand 80 Borrowdale Brooke”) being 5,0445 hectares in extent is held by Honeypot Investments (“Honeypot”) the second respondent hereto. More