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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
At the hearing of this matter, I dismissed the application with costs and advised that the reasons will follow later. These are they: The applicant approached this court seeking an order that the agreement of sale entered into by Miriam Chada (Miriam) acting as Executor of the Estate late Selestino Chada be declared valid, that the second respondent be ordered to effect cession of house number 727 Glen Norah A (“the property”) into the applicant’s name and that the respondents pay costs of suit. More

1. This is an application for joinder of parties. 2. The first respondent instituted proceedings under HC5687 /21wherein he challenges the ascendancy of President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa to the helm of the second respondent,the Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front, [ZANUPF, hereinafter referred as the party], to become itsPresident and First Secretaryin 2017. He also assumed the role of President of the Republic of Zimbabwe. The first respondent claims that he is a member of the party and is aggrieved by how the succession of the third respondent to the helm of ZANU PF was handled after an operation termed,... More

This is n an urgent chamber application seeking to stop the execution of a warrant of search and seizure No. 1227/21 issued by the Magistrate who is cited as the third respondent in this matter. The first respondent is a sergeant detective with the Zimbabwe Republic Police whilst the second respondent is cited in his capacity as the Commissioner General of Police. The fourth respondent is the Minister of Home Affairs who is responsible for the Zimbabwe Republic Police. He is cited in his official capacity. More

TSANGA J: The parties herein were married in 1989 so theirs was notably a lengthy marriage. They had four children, all of whom are now majors. What is disputed herein as part of their divorce is whether a named property should constitute the pool of assets to be divided and in the case of another of the properties, the issue is the divisional principle that ought to be applied. Among the disputed properties is a house in Budiriro, namely stand number 1217 which was acquired in 1997 in the husband’s name at a time when they were already married. The... More

The parties are husband and wife. They married customarily in 1981 and later solemnized their marriage in terms of the Marriage Act, [Cap 5:11], (then Cap 37), on 18 October 1985. Three children were born of the marriage and one of them is still a minor. Certain unhappy differences have arisen in the marriage. The plaintiff now seeks an order of divorce from her husband, custody of their minor child and division of their property. The defendant has counterclaimed for a decree of divorce, custody of the minor child, division of the matrimonial estate and maintenance for himself in the... More