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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant in this matter seeks an order declaring the legality of her occupation of a piece of farm land in Seke District and the nullification of the consolidation of that land with an adjoining farm. She also seeks the eviction of the 2nd respondent and an order for costs against him. The 1st respondent (the Minister) resists the application on the ground that the applicant’s right to occupy the land was withdrawn. More

The applicant filed this application under r 377 of the High Court Rules, 1971. The rule confers a right upon an applicant who obtains a judgment against a judgment debtor to move the court to compel a third party who owes a debt to the judgment debtor to pay the debt not to the judgment debtor but to the applicant. More

The applicants approached this court seeking an order that Deed of Transfer No. 8361/2008 pertaining to stand number 2558 Glen Lorne Township measuring 18, 2024 hectares (the property) registered in the name of Estate Late Michael Tapomwa be cancelled in terms of s 8 of the Deeds Registry Act [Cap 20:05] (The Act).They also seek that Deed of Transfer No. 6050/2006 dated 23 August 2006, pertaining to the property, registered in the name of the first applicant be revived in terms of s 8 (2)(a) of the Act. They also seek costs against the first, second, third, fourth and fifth... More

This is an application for the review of the decision of the first respondent to compulsorily acquire what is in essence a suburban residential stand and to issue a preliminary notice in terms of s 5 (1) (a) of the Land Acquisition Act [Chapter 20:10] to the applicant, announcing the intention to do so for “Urban Development”. The decision to compulsorily acquire the developed piece of land, being stand 2558 Glen Lorne Township Harare, itself a well-developed urban suburb in the City of Harare which was established in terms of the Southern Rhodesia Government Notice No. 263 of 1959, was... More

The appellants were charged with and convicted of contravening s3(3) of the Gazetted Land (Consequential Provisions) Act [Cap 20:28]. They were both fined and had an ejectment order issued against them together with all those who claimed occupation through them. More