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Court Judgements

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MUTEVEDZI J: For those that support it Zimbabwe’s land reform programme will eternally be famed as one of the most iconic revolutions in African history. To those who oppose it, the scheme is immortally etched in their minds as notoriety of epic proportions. The programme commenced more than two decades ago. In its formative years, it was confronted by fierce resistance both politically and legally by a section of those who owned commercial farms across the country. After Government had weathered the political storm parliament moved in to exorcise the many legal stratagems employed the erstwhile commercial farmers to obstruct... More

The applicant seeks an order setting aside an arbitration award made by the 3rd respondent in September 2004 and compelling the transfer of Stand No. 2950, Bluff Hill, Harare, into her name. In the alternative, in the event that the property cannot be so transferred, she seeks an award of damages for the difference between the original purchase price paid by her and the prevailing market value of the property. At the hearing of this matter, counsel for the applicant accepted that the applicant’s claim should be confined to the alternative claim for damages. More

The applicant approached this court in terms of r 31 of the High Court Rules, 2021 where he is seeking the dismissal of the respondent’s action instituted under case number HC 7235/20 on the basis that it is frivolous and vexatious More

The appellants were arraigned before a Bindura Magistrate facing a charge of contravening section 45(1)(b) as read with section 128(1)(b) of the Parks and Wildlife Act Chapter 20:14 “found in possession of ivory”. More

On 19 October 2005, applicant was convicted, on his own guilty plea, of culpable homicide. The facts of the matter are that the applicant was driving an omnibus along the Centenary-Mazowe Road carrying passengers when he was involved in an accident resulting in the death of the now deceased. Applicant was sentenced on 21 October 2005 to 12 months imprisonment of which 6 months imprisonment was suspended for 5 years on condition of good behaviour. His licence was cancelled and he was barred from driving all classes of motor vehicles for a period of 18 months. More