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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
MAFUSIRE J:The plaintiff was a nephew of one Eric Nhodza (hereafter referred to as “Nhodza”). Nhodza was at all material times the defendant’s major shareholder. The evidence established is that the plaintiff and Nhodza were very close. More

On June 8th 2011 plaintiff issued summons against the first and second defendants claiming US$21 033.00 for loss of income, interest and costs, with liability to pay being joint and several the one paying the other to be absolved. More

Plaintiff issued summons claiming the return of a tractor, an International 444 model, as well as consequential damages as well as costs of suit. In his declaration the plaintiff claims that in July 2005, he had borrowed defendant’s tractor trailer in order to carry out certain work at his farm. Later defendant came and asked to use the plaintiff’s trailer to tow his trailer back to his farm. He did not return the tractor despite demand. More

On 7 November 2016, the applicant, who is a practising legal practitioner operating under the name F. M. Katsande & Partners, filed a Chamber application for “Release and Restoration of Seized Goods Pending Appeal.” The matter was placed before me in chambers in an application for judgment in default of opposition to the application. The goods, which are the subject of the application were seized by and are currently in the first respondent’s custody. More

The plaintiff is a legal practitioner and senior partner at the law firm of F.M. Katsande& Partners of Harare who has sued the first defendant a non-governmental organisation, also of Harare and its employee, the second defendant for payment of the sum of $32 286.00 in respect of legal fees levied against the defendants by the plaintiff for legal services rendered. More