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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 20 September 2005 the applicant and the two respondents concluded an agreement in terms of which the respondents leased from the applicant an immovable property, namely, 6 Thames Rd Vainona in Harare. The lease agreement was to extend for a period of twelve months terminating on 31 August 2006. It is common cause that the lease was not renewed but the parties after some dispute entered into a settlement in terms of which it was agreed that the lease would continue until 30 December 2008 after which the respondents would vacate the premises. When the fateful day arrived the... More

1. This is an appeal against both the conviction and sentence 2. The appellant was, following a full trial, convicted on a charge of criminal abuse of duty as a public officer as defined in s 174 (1)(a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] (the Criminal Law Code). 3. He was sentenced to 4 years imprisonment of which 18 months imprisonment was suspended on condition he paid restitution in the sum of US$25 228 on or before 30 April 2022. The sentence was passed on 18 February 2022. More

On 4 October 2008 the applicant was issued with an offer letter in respect of the Remaining Extent of Five Streams Farm in Mutasa District of Manicaland Province. He now seeks the following relief- More

The first respondent is a cooperative body set up in terms of the Co-operative Societies Act [Chapter 24:05], (“the Act”). The second respondent is the local authority responsible for the maintenance and administration of urban land. Although it was cited and served with the application, it has not seen it fit to respond thereto. The appellation respondent will therefore in this judgment be taken to refer to the Kambuzuma Housing Cooperative Society. The applicant was one of its members. In 2001 certain allegations were leveled against him as a result of which he was suspended from being a member of... More

The applicant approached this Court with a Court application which he termed an application for revocation of Letters of Administration and consent to sell, in which he seeks an order revoking the Letters of Administration given to the first respondent and that the consent to sell that was given to the first respondent to sell some immovable property be cancelled and also that his initial appointment as Executor be re-instated. The application is opposed. In its opposition the first respondent raised three points inlimine which are basically that, there is no proper founding affidavit and the founding affidavit is fatally... More