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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff seeks compensation in the sum of US$700-00 for the repairs he carried out on the leased premises together with loss of business in the sum of US$45 793-00 from the defendant and costs of suit. The defendant counterclaimed for arrear rentals of US$2 254-00, holding over damages calculated from 1 January 2010 to the date of eviction, operational costs in the sum of US$2 283-47, interest on these sums at the prescribed rate, eviction and costs on the higher scale. More

Plaintiff is a minor assisted by his Curator Ad Litem Ms Rose Mhasho. On 8 September 2012 plaintiff in the morning whilst playing with other children suffered a high electric voltage shock as a result of coming in contact with a live high voltage cable. As a consequence of the high voltage shock plaintiff sustained extensive and severe burns and other very serious injuries described as gangrenous left upper limb and numerous deep burns to the scalp, face, right lower limb and the back of the chest. Plaintiff was hospitalised for 2 months at Chitungwiza Central Hospital. While in hospital... More

This is a review application wherein the following relief is sought:- “1. The decision of the first respondent recommending the demotion of the applicant to a lower rank in the employ of the fourth respondent is unlawful and of no force and effect. 2. That the decision of the third respondent in discharging applicant from the employ of fourth respondent is unlawful, invalid and of no force and effect. 3. That the applicant be reinstated in the employ of the forth respondent on full pay and benefits with effect from the date of dismissal. 4. That fourth respondent pays the... More

This court is inundated with matters involving estranged couples who fight for ownership of property More

The applicant in this matter is the employer of the first20 respondents. The deputy sheriff of the High Court of Zimbabwe is the 21st respondent and he has not responded to the application. That being so, the 20 respondents shall simply be referred to as “the respondents.” The respondents together with others who are not party to these proceedings, obtained an arbitral award against the applicant on 12 February 2016 for the payment of US$625 729-50 in damages. More