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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an opposed application for the joinder of the second and third respondents, brought in terms of rule 32 of the High Court rules, 2021. The second and third respondents did not oppose the application. Most of the facts and background to this dispute are not in contention. It suffices to note that, the first respondent is the applicant in suit HC 2741/14, in which the applicants, herein are the respondents. It is the same case in which the applicants seek the joinder of the said respondents. Central to the dispute in case HC 2741/14 is property 69 Glenara... More

This is a chamber application for directions brought in terms of r 151 of the High Court Rules, 1971. More

We heard this appeal on 9 July 2020 and struck it off the roll with costs in an ex-tempore judgment. We hereby furnish the written judgment as requested. More

On 28 December 2017, the respondent’s Commissioner General (“the Commissioner”) disallowed the appellant’s objection to a number of VAT assessments made against it for the years 2015-2016 totalling US$206 880. This is an appeal against that decision and it is brought in terms of S 33 of the Value Added Tax Act [Chapter 23:12] (“the Act”). The appellant contends that the Respondent wrongfully decided that the appellant should account for VAT at the standard rate of 15% on services rendered to non-resident organizations, namely, foreign domiciled donor organizations implementing development projects in Zimbabwe with the assistance of the appellant. The... More

The plaintiff and the defendant were married at Harare on 5 September 1998. Two daughters were born of the marriage. These were born in 2001 and 2004 respectively. On 31 January 2007, the plaintiff issued summons praying for a decree of divorce to issue on the grounds that his relationship with the defendant had broken down to such an extent that there is no possibility of reconciliation. More