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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
In early October 2002 the two applicants were arrested on a charge of armed robbery of a motor vehicle. On 14 October 2002 they appeared before a magistrate and were remanded in custody. In mid-April 2002 the applicants were indicated for trial before the High Court. Their co-accused, one Fanuel Mkandla was similarly indicted. More

The applicants are facing a charge of murder as defined in section 47 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23]. The allegations being that they caused death of the now deceased by striking him all over the body using weapons such as knobkerries chains, booted feet and open hands. The applicants were indicted for trial in the High Court in terms of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act for their trial to commence on 23 March 2013. Following the indictment they were removed from bail in terms of section 66 (2) of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence... More

The applicant was convicted by the Magistrates Court Bindura of one count of rape. He was sentenced to an effective term of imprisonment of 12 and half years. He has appealed against the conviction and sentence. In June 2010 he filed an application for bail pending appeal with this court. It was dismissed. At the time the application was filed he was not represented. He has now filed another application for bail pending appeal on the basis of a change in his circumstances. More

In this application the applicant seeks permanent stay of prosecution of charges preferred against him in 2016. More

The third and fourth defendants filed an exception to the plaintiff’s claim on the grounds that the summons were defective and that the cause of action pleaded was incomplete. The third and fourth defendants sought the dismissal of the plaintiff’s claim with costs on that basis. The exception was opposed. More