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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against the entire judgment handed down at Harare Magistrates’ Court on April 2014. More

This was an application which was in fact an appeal against refusal to grant bail. More

Following the acquisition by the State of the applicant’s farm, the parties filed a consent order with this honourable court under case no HC 308/10 in the following terms: “It is hereby ordered with the consent of the parties that:- 1. The tobacco on Masasa Plot Lot 2 Lions Head, Rusape, allocated to second respondent shall be harvested, cured, graded and removed from the said plot in terms of an agreement to be concluded between second respondent and Chidziva Tobacco Processors (Private) Limited, which agreement shall cater for the involvement of applicant and/or his son, Kirk Voest, with regard to... More

The background to this matter is as follows. A labour dispute arose between the parties in 2009 and was referred to compulsory arbitration. The arbitrator found that the applicant had been constructively dismissed and ordered the parties to agree on damages in lieu of reinstatement. The respondent appealed against this award to the Labour Court and also applied for stay of execution. The application for stay was dismissed on 3 December 2010, while the appeal was heard on 24 February 2011 and then dismissed on 3 June 2011. On 4 March 2011, the arbitrator quantified the damages in lieu of... More

The plaintiff, General Leasing (Private) Limited issued summons for the sum of US$ 30 696.00 being an amount due by the defendant, Allied Timbers Zimbabwe (Private) Limited for what it described as being services rendered in the form of lease of PABX Systems and telephones from 31 December 2008 to March 2013. These services were said to have been provided at two sites, namely Chinhokwe site and Stapleford site in Mutare. It was averred that despite demand the defendant had refused to pay. The defendant raised the special plea of prescription as well as that of lack of cause of... More