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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff seeks a default judgment against the defendant under circumstances I shall outline below for payment of US$37 914. 16, interest, costs and collection commission. More

: On 22 April 2013 the applicant applied for bail pending trial. I dismissed the application the following day giving my reasons ex tempo. The applicant has requested for written reasons for my decision. These are they:- More

MUZENDA J: This urgent chamber application was brought to me on Friday 29th September 2018 after hours and I issued an interim order interdicting the demolition of a structure constructed on stand 19828 Harare Township registered in Pokugara Properties (Private) Ltd, (the 3rd respondent) and directed the Registrar to set the matter down for the 1st October 2018. On 1 October 2018 the parties agreed to defer the hearing to the 2nd October 2018 to allow the first-third and fourth respondents to file their opposing papers. More

: This matter is decided on the papers without the benefit of oral submissions as agreed to by counsels. This is an opposed application for an interdict in which the applicant seeks an order in the following terms; More

After hearing argument by the respective parties, I dismissed the application with costs on an attorney and client scale. I now give my reasons. On 20 January 2020, the applicant filed an urgent chamber application and submitted that, in 2002, he obtained rights to extract minerals in Mvuma through special grants SG 2854 and SG 2858. Before the expiry of the special grants in 2011, he wrote to the second respondent through the office of the Mining Commissioner, seeking their renewal. Thereafter, on 20 April 2018, the second respondent acknowledged receipt of the applicant’s letter, and indicated that applicant’s file... More