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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The court a quo found in favour of the plaintiff (the respondent herein) and ordered the defendant’s (the appellants herein) to pay accident related damages of $10 000 together with interest from the date of issue of summons. More

This matter concerns the status of adultery damages in Zimbabwe in the 21st century. The main issue is whether or not the common law delictual claim for adultery damages is constitutional or unconstitutional. More

This application was filed as an urgent court application in terms of the s 85(1)(a) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe (the Constitution). The applicant has since June 2020, been appearing as a State witness before the fourth, fifth and sixth respondents in a matter in which certain persons stand charged with perjury and malicious damage to property. From July 2020, the applicant has been appearing as an accused person before the third respondent in a matter in which he faces a charge of fraud. The persons appearing as accused persons in the perjury and malicious damage to property charges are... More

This appeal is against the decision of the Concession Magistrates Court which was sitting as an appeal court against the decision of Chief Negomo. In the Chief’s Court the respondent herein had approached the court complaining that appellant was annexing portions of his land and allocating it to other people. The Chief found in the respondent’s favour concluding that he was within the confines of the land that had been allocated to his grandmother and which had passed on to the respondent when his own father died. Displeased with this verdict, the appellant had approached the magistrate court to hear... More

Applicant filed this application seeking a declaratur to the effect that: 1. The Deed of Settlement entered into between the applicant and respondent on 2 October 2018 and filed with the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe be and is hereby declared the only binding deed of settlement between the parties. 2. Consequently, the Deed of Settlement produced by the respondent dated 18 August 2020 be and is hereby declared not a valid document and is set aside. 3. Applicants’ debt arising from the judgment HH 689/16 and the proceedings under SC 273/17 was discharged by the payment of the sum of... More