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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against the entire judgment of the Bindura magistrates court delivered on 28 March 2012. More

The plaintiff issued summons against the defendants for an order directing that the first and second defendants sign all the transfer papers to facilitate transfer of Stand No. 4306 Fountainbleau Estate into plaintiff’s name upon granting of this order. More

This is a contested application for a declaratory order brought in terms of s 14 of the High Court Act[Chapter 7:06] wherein applicant seeks the following relief: WHEREUOPN, after reading documents filed or record and hearing counsel More

Plaintiff’s claim against the defendant is in two parts; Firstly plaintiff claims for payment of $7 789.15 being the value of 14.162 tonnes of wheat sold and delivered to defendant, and $15 500.00 being the value of 30 tonnes of compound fertilisers purchased by plaintiff from defendant which defendant failed to deliver. Secondly the plaintiff sought damages in the sum of $2 790 000.00 for loss of production due to breach of contract by the defendant. More

This is an application for rescission of the judgment granted by this court on 13 May 2009 in case number HC 6215/08. The matter was argued before me on 3 September 2009. In their submissions the respondents raised a point in limine that the applicants were in contempt of the judgment that they seek to rescind. The applicants opposed the issue of contempt. On 21 October 2009 I made a finding that the applicants were in contempt of the order and that their application for its rescission will not be determined on the merits until they purge their contempt. The... More