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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against the judgment of the Magistrates Court in terms of which that court dismissed the appellant’s claim for an order confirming cancellation of the lease agreement between appellant and the respondents and for the ejectment of the respondent and all persons claiming occupation through them from the property described in the papers as Kalahari Breeze Stores, Bob’s Shopping Centre, Zhombe Road, Kwekwe. The appeal is opposed by the second respondent. More

This is an application made in terms of Order 32 r 236(4) of the Rules of the High Court 1971, for dismissal of the application for rescission of judgment in case number HC 3489/12 with costs. The background to this matter is as follows: More

: The revenue authority still has to find ways to endear itself to the public. Throughout the times, the tax collector has been called many unsavory names. In the trial before me, the defendant was called a day light robber. More

The Applicant’s case was that on the date his application for reinstatement of his application was dismissed, he together with his legal practitioner of choice did not attend court. The reason for non-attendance was that his legal practitioner a Mr Chikono had misdiarised the court date and advised his client, now the Applicant that the case was to be heard on 28 June 2021 instead of 22 June 2021. Applicant visited the court on 26 June 2021 to check if the matter was on the court roll for 28 June 2021. He could not locate his name which led him... More

This matter has trudged a long and tortuous journey. The applicants are former employees of the respondent who were charged with misconduct and dismissed in 2005 following disciplinary processes. The applicants challenged their dismissal right up to the Labour Court in case number LC/H.15/06. The Labour Court found for the applicants on 5 July, 2007 and ordered their reinstatement, alternatively, payment of damages in lieu of reinstatement. The respondent opted to pay damages, caused their quantification on 10 December 2008 equivalent to 5 years salary using the cut off date of 5 July, 2007 and tendered them to the applicants. More