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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Applicants aver that labouring under a number of “boo-boos”, the court issued a judgment in their absence in a matter affecting their interests. In that respect, applicants have moved the court to set aside that 2 February 2020 judgment (per PHIRI J), in terms of rule 29 of the High Court Rules 2021 (the successor to r 449 in the old High Court Rules 1971). This rule permits a party to approach the court in circumstances where a judgment was erroneously granted, in its absence and in a matter affecting that party`s interests. Determination of this matter hinges in the... More

This matter was filed as an urgent chamber application on 29 October 2021. The applicant was seeking the following provisional order: TERMS OF FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That you show cause to this Honourable Court why a final order should not be made in the following terms: 1. The applicant’s possession, use and occupation of Plot No.9 Carrisbrooke Farm, Seke District, Mashonaland East, be and is hereby declared to be lawful. 2. The first respondent and all those acting through her, be and are hereby barred from interfering, occupation or use in any manner of Plot No.9 Carrisbrooke Farm, Seke District,... More

The applicant is in remand prison on allegations of murder. Acting in consort and common purpose with three others he is alleged to have assaulted and murdered the deceased accusing him of having stolen his money. The offence was committed in 2007. More

Applicant applies for bail pending trial based on changed circumstances. The application was made in terms of section 116(c)(ii) of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act. He was arrested on one count of armed robbery together with his co-accused, one Brown Mubaiwa under CRB HREP 1062-63/21. More

This was an application for variation of a divorce order granted in 2007. The applicant sought variation of the clause in the order which read as follows: “b) The defendant shall have the first option to buy out the plaintiff of her 50% share in the property within a month of the date of evaluation.” More