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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant seeks an interdict restraining the respondent from interfering with his farming operations at Subdivision 3 of farm 45, Glendale (the farm). More

The applicant and the first respondent are fighting over who should occupy subdivision 3 of Farm 45, Glendale, Mashonaland Central (the farm), which is State land. The firstrespondent obtainedon 9 December 2016 a mandament van spolieundercase number HC 12380/16. On 13 December 2016, the applicant appealed against that order under case number SC 771/16. More

The Applicant seeks to evict the first respondent from a piece of land he was allocated in 2012 by way of an offer letter from the second respondent dated 24 September 2012. More

MUSAKWA J (in chambers, in terms of s 35 of the High Court Act): The National Prosecuting Authority filed a notice in terms of s 35 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:06] to the effect that it does not support the appellant’s conviction and gave reasons for such concession. More

Thirty one bags of sugar soured the relationship between the plaintiff and the defendant to such an extent that on 11 April 2007, the plaintiff issued summons against the defendant claiming delivery of the thirty one bags or alternatively, payment of the market value of the sugar as at the date of judgment, together with interest thereon at the prescribed rate from the date of the failed delivery to date of payment in full and costs of suit. The facts leading to this suit are largely common cause. More