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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
At the pre-trial conference convened before me the defendant intended to apply for amendment the plaintiff raised two points in limine. I decided to write a judgment due to the long and winding background to the case. To put the matter into perspective, I must set out its genesis. The parties appeared before MUSHORE J in a pre-trial conference. The defendant made an application to amend its plea. By order dated 5 July 2018 (it is unclear whether the year is correct or there was a typographical error because it is evident that the matter was heard in July 2017)... More

The appellant was convicted for driving without due care and attention as defined in section 51 (1) of the Road Traffic Act [Chapter 13:11]. He was sentenced to pay a fine. He was unhappy about his conviction and appealed. More

The three applicants in this matter are not directly connected to one another. The 1st applicant is aged 47 and employed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Consul-General and was the Zimbabwean Ambassador designate to the Republic of Mozambique at the time of his arrest. The 2nd applicant is aged 42 and was employed by the Metropolitan Bank of Zimbabwe Limited as Company Secretary until his retrenchment in December 2004. The 3rd applicant is employed by ZANU-PF as a Deputy Director for External Relations. More

This is an appeal against conviction and sentence. The appellant was convicted of one count of “possession of a firearm without a licence” in contravention of s 4(1) of the Firearms Act [Chapter 10:09] and unlawful possession of explosives in contravention of s 3(1) and (2) of the Explosives Act [Chapter 10:08]. He was sentenced as follows: Count 1: 36 months imprisonment of which 15 months imprisonment is suspended for 5 years on condition accused does not within that period commit any defence involving the possession of a firearm without a valid certificate for which he is sentenced to imprisonment... More

The appellant issued summons against the defendant on 15 October 2002, claiming the delivery of 6 heifers or payment of the sum of $198 000-00 as representing the value of the heifers. The appellant had the summons served upon one Tinashe Madondo, an accounts manager at the defendant’s stores. No appearance to defend the action was filed and a default judgment was duly entered against the defendant. In due course, the default judgment was rescinded. More