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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This was an application for the setting aside ofan arbitral award made by the third respondent on 6 December 2016. The application was opposed. At the hearing of this application this court granted the order as prayed for. Simultaneously this court was also asked to deal with the application for the registration of the arbitral award made in Case number HC 1054/17. This court dismissed the application for the registration of the aforesaid arbitral award in terms of Articles 35 and 36 of the Arbitration Act [Chapter 7:15] More

The plaintiff instituted summons against the defendants as far back as 2014 seeking the eviction of the defendants from room 10 at Cutty Sark hotel (the hotel) in Kariba and holding over damages equivalent to the rental of the room. The defendants’ defence is that they derive their right to stay in the plaintiff’s property as they are owed consultancy fees by the plaintiff. The defendants raised a counterclaim for payment of outstanding fees. More

This appeal arises from the dismissal, in the court a quo, of a summary judgment application in which the appellant and respondent herein were applicant and respondent respectively. The common cause facts are as follows; - on 20 August 2021, the appellant Goromonzi RDC, issued an enforcement order against the respondent Precious Gwande following irregular development activities at Zimbiru Business Centre, Ward 4 Domboshava, a planned area under their authority on which she had constructed an unauthorised structure which she was running as a clinic. The structure included a boundary wall. More

The High Court has seen an increase in cases involving legal battles over control of church shrines, assets and even congregants. Leadership battles have often turned violent in certain instances. More

Before me are three matters which were consolidated by agreement of the parties so that they could be heard and determined at the same time. The first was an application for rescission of a default judgment obtained by the first and second respondents against the applicant under HC 1769/23. The order obtained in default was for the exhumation of the remains of the late Madzibaba Johanne Masowe to be exhumed from a shrine belonging to the applicant. Also as part of the consolidated records was an urgent chamber application by the applicant for stay of execution of order granted in... More