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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff is an avowed money lender whose business is to lend money to members of the public at an interest of 30% per month. She is not registered as such. She has sued the defendant for payment of a sum of $4 296-00 together with interest at the prescribed rate and costs of suit. More

On 28 August 2020, the plaintiffs issued summons against the first defendant. The action arose out of an alleged breach of an agreement of sale of immovable property and mortgage facilities concluded between each of the plaintiffs and the first defendant. More

On 8 September, 2010 I erroneously granted an order, following a chamber application, registering an arbitral award in favour of the applicant against the Ministry of Finance as if the correct respondent was Smallholder Micro-Irrigation Development Support Programme (“the Programme”). The Programme is donor-funded by the European Development Fund. Subsequent to the registration of the arbitral award, it was brought to my attention via my sister judge – Gowora J – who had dealt with an urgent chamber application by the Programme to stay the sale in execution of the Programme’s motor vehicles which had been attached pursuant to the... More

The delay in the preparation of this judgment is sincerely regretted. As can be seen from the dates of hearings the trial took long to complete. This was largely because as from 26 January 2011 the court had to adjourn on the promise that the plaintiff’s wife, one Anna Dube (Mrs Dube) would arrive from the United Kingdom to testify. After a long wait, she never came and the trial had to proceed without her. The background to this case is as follows:- On 2 February 2009 the plaintiff issued summons out of this court seeking the following relief:- “1.... More

The appellant was charged with contravening s 4 as read with s 3 (1) (a) of the Domestic Violence Act [Cap 5:16] for assaulting his former wife. More