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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The second applicant is a well known and I might venture to say, renowned gospel artist in Zimbabwe. The first applicant is a recording company. From the papers, it is apparent, that for the performance which is the subject matter of this dispute the first applicant was contracted to arrange the recording of Charamba’s live show. It seems that the respondent is also in the business of recording live shows and producing from such DVD’s and video recordings. I have not been advised as such in specific terms but this my opinion based on the nature of the contract for... More

This matter came to life as an urgent chamber application in terms of Order 40 Rule 348A sub-rule (5a) of the High Court Rules 1971( stopping of sale to facilitate settlement of claims) on 25 November 2011. The relief that was being sought by Granary Investments Private Limited (herein after referred to as Granary Investments) was: More

Compared to the epic blood-and-thunder-legal duels daily fought in our courts, an opposed application for the postponement of a matter ordinarily becomes but a tepid scuffle. For that reason, courts will not normally dwell on such simple requests beyond the immediate need to furnish brief reasons for grant or refusal thereof. I will however, for reasons stated hereunder, linger slightly before disposing of the application for postponement of the trial cause now before me. More

This is an application for leave to execute pending an appeal. More

In March 2016 the applicant Grandwell Holdings ( Grandwell) which owns a 50% shareholding in Mbada Diamonds [Private] Limited (Mbada), a joint venture initiative for diamond mining in Chiadzwa obtained an interim order under HC 1977 /16 (HH 193-16). More