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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant seeks an order for the rescission of a default judgment entered against it on 1 April 2009. More

This urgent chamber application was set down and heard on 23 August 2022. I reserved judgment to 5 September 2022 and pronounced my reasons for the decision to the parties in chambers. I have now been requested to furnish full reasons for the purposes of an appeal. These are they: The application is premised on the following as per applicant’s founding affidavit. The applicant is a body corporate bound by a Constitution. The first, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh respondents are legal entities. The second respondent is the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing in his official... More

This is an appeal against both conviction and sentence. The appellant pleaded guilty to and was convicted of contravening S 60A (3) (b) of the Electricity Act [Chapter13:19], which penalises cutting, damaging, destruction of or interference with any apparatus for generating, transmitting, distributing or supplying electricity. He was sentenced to the mandatory minimum sentence of ten (10) years imprisonment after the Magistrates Court had found that there were no special circumstances which justified a penalty less than the minimum prescribed by statute. More

The applicants filed an urgent chamber application to try and stop a sale in execution following attachment of their property. More

The plaintiff issued summons seeking the following relief: (a) Reinstating and reversing the ownership of Stand 205 Good Hope Township of Subdivision D of Goodhope, situate in the District of Salisbury measuring 2 695 square metres under Deed of Transfer Number 444/08 (hereinafter referred to as “the property”); (b) Cancellation of Deed of Transfer Number 3681/2011 in favour of the first defendant; and (c) Costs on an attorney and client scale. More