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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant seeks the relief of specific performance. The order sought reads as follows: “IT IS ORDERED THAT:- 1. First and second respondents be and are hereby ordered to sign all necessary papers to effect transfer of Stand Number 653 Ruwa Township of Stand 2016 Ruwa Township to applicant within 14 days of service of this Order. 2. In the event that first and second respondents fail to comply with the Order in paragraph 1 above, the Deputy Sheriff be and is hereby authorised to sign all the necessary papers to effect transfer of Stand number 643 Ruwa Township of... More

This is an urgent chamber application in which the applicant is seeking in the interim an order that the respondents be interdicted from executing an order of this court given in Case No. HC 9602/11 pending determination of an application for the rescission of that judgment which was filed under Case No.HC 5490/13. The final order sought is for the setting aside of the order given in Case No. HC 9602/11. That is the same relief which is being sought in a separate application instituted by the applicant in HC 5490/13. More

Job’s patience is certainly among the virtues which a judicial officer must possess in the discharge of his/her functions especially when dealing with a lay person self-actor to whom knowledge of both adjectival and substantive law is an intellectual exercise not subscribed to by the common man. More

The plaintiff issued a summons for Provisional Sentence on a liquid document claiming from the defendant an amount of US$10 500-00. The plaintiff averred that its claim is based on a letter dated 27 July 2009 executed by the defendant’s accountant acknowledging the debt due. The letter states that an amount of US$15 000-00 is payable to the plaintiff. The letter also states “We wish to pay yourselves $500-00 .... weekly or US$2 000-00 a month.” More

Eduardo Couture, made the following seminal remarks in an article published in (1950) 25 Tulane Law Review at 7 which the full bench of the Supreme Court in MDC&AnorvChinamasa&Anor NNO 2001(1) ZLR 69(S) 79A-C cited with approval: More