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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
It is a simple claim by the plaintiff. The plaintiff alleges it was mandated by the defendant to find a purchaser for the defendant’s property viz 30 Southerly Road, Hillside, Harare, technically referred to as stand 8394 Salisbury Township. The basis of plaintiff’s claim was that it introduced one Rodgers Kativu to the defendant and to the property in question. It was the plaintiff’s averment in its declaration that as a direct result of its involvement, Rodgers Kativu offered to purchase the property for $60 000 and the defendant accepted this offer and that the property was subsequently disposed of... More

The plaintiff claims against the second and third defendants a sum of US$ 16 016 being the balance outstanding in respect of goods sold and delivered to the first defendant. The original amount claimed in the summons was US$66 801-39. More

This is an application in which applicant is seeking an order to compel first respondent to transfer to him an immovable property known as number 9 Clyde Road Famona Bulawayo. More

The applicant in this matter seeks an anticipatory interdict to preclude the termination of the salary and benefits due to him in his capacity as an employee of the respondent trade union. The applicant was elected to the post of senior vice-president at the trade union’s congress held in the year 2000. By virtue of Article 8 of the respondent’s constitution, the applicant simultaneously became a full-time employee of the respondent. At the last congress of the respondent, which was held in August 2005, the applicant was not re-elected to the post of vice-president. He then instituted an application in... More

The applicant seeks a declaratur. The relief sought is set out in the draft order as follows: “IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. That the application for Declaratur be and is hereby granted. 2. That the garnishee order issued on 8 May 2019 against the Applicant for payment in United States dollars is invalid and is hereby set aside. 3. It is specifically declared that: 3.1 the debt of US$ 29 115.12 in terms of order dated 25th October 2017 by Honourable Justice Charewa is deemed to be valued in RTGS dollars at a rate of one-to-one to the United States... More