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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
We dismissed this appeal in its entirety without hearing the respondent’s submissions at the hearing of this appeal. More

I heard this matter on 14 September, 2020. I delivered an ex tempore judgment in which I granted the applicant’s prayer. On 2 October, 2020 the first and second respondents wrote to the High Court registrar. They requested reasons for my decision. They indicated that they wanted to appeal my decision. The reasons are these: The applicant purchased from one Cyprian Musarurwa (“Musarurwa”), who is now late, a certain piece of land which is situated in the district of Salisbury called stand 282 Chadcombe Township of Stand 221B Chadcombe Township (“the property”). It is 4109 square metres in extent and... More

The applicant is the owner of a certain property known as No 38 Wansford Townhouses being an undivided share of Stand 15125 Salisbury Township (“the property”) which it holds by Deed of Transfer No 2893/2002. It was previously owned by the Mining Industry Pension Fund (“MIPF”). More

The applicant is a housing consortium with a membership of eleven cooperative societies. The applicant occupies the remainder of GlenEagles farm (Budiriro 5) Harare. Its application for regularisation of occupation is currently before the respondent for determination. The allegation is made that thirty members of the applicant are in occupation and about 200 families had erected temporary structures on the land in question. On 9 August 2018 the respondent delivered a notice to the applicant in terms of clause 18(2) of the Urban Council’s (Model) USe and Occupation of Land and Buildings) By-Laws 1979 Statutory Instrument 109 of 1979. More

This is an appeal against conviction only. The appellant was conviction only. The appellant was convicted of culpable homicide as defined in S 49 of the Code. The culpable homicide charge emanated from a road traffic accident that took place at the intersection of Lobengula Road and the Harare - Mutare highway. More