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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 26 April 2018, the plaintiff issued summons claiming $1,000, 000 (One million dollars) being delictual damages for alleged defamatory utterances made by the defendant on national television and to a nationally distributed newspaper publication; an unconditional apology to the plaintiff on the front page of the Daily News; removal of an alleged defamatory article from the Daily News Website and costs of suit. On 10 May 2018, the defendant through his legal practitioners made a request for further particulars. On 20 May 2018, the plaintiff responded to the request by stating that the particulars requested were not necessary for... More

This is an application for a declarator to the effect that the applicant and her employees, agents and invitees are entitled to remain in quiet, peaceful and undisturbed occupation and use of a certain piece of land known as Lot 5 of Lot 1 of Mazone in the Mutare District of Manicaland Province measuring 494 hectares in extent and the eviction of the first respondent and all those claiming occupation through him from the said property The applicant claims that she has personal right and interest to occupy and use the disputed land. She claims occupation and use of the... More

On 1 September 2017 the first applicant was served with the first respondent’s notification of intention to withdraw the offer letter dated 30 August 2017.The applicants legal practitioners and respondents exchanged correspondence about the whole process of the first respondent’s intended withdrawal of offer letter but nothing came out of it. On 26 September 2017 the applicants got the notification of the withdrawal of the offer letter from the first respondent. On the same date an offer letter was granted to the second respondent. The offer letter granted to the second respondent concerned an area of 250 hectares. The remainder... More

The applicant herein is the registered owner of an immovable property located at 40 Josiah Tongogara Avenue, Harare. On 28 September 2004 in terms of a written agreement, the applicant let the premises to the first respondent for a period of one year with effect from 1 September 2004 to 31 August 2005. Certain differences have arisen between the parties and the applicant has approached this court on motion for an order for the eviction of the first respondent and all those claiming through it from the premises. The second respondent entered into a surety ship agreement with the applicant... More

The plaintiff issued summons against the defendant, claiming payment of $34 378.06 for services rendered and $50 441.49 being damages for breach of contract.The defendant raised a special plea that, since the plaintiff’s claim is based on a contract which provides for a dispute resolution mechanism for all contractual matters, the action should be stayed pending referral of the dispute in terms of Annexure 3, Clauses 4.1, 24 and 25 thereof. More