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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 14 July, 2017, the applicant was convicted by the magistrate at Chegutu Court on two counts of theft a defined in s 113 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act), [Chapter 9:23]. The applicant was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment on the first count with 6 months suspended on conditions of good behaviour. On the second count he was sentenced to pay a fine of $100-00 or in default to serve a prison term of 3 months. More

This is an application for bail pending trial. The applicants are facing three counts of robbery, two counts of unlawful entry into premises and one count of theft as defined in sections 126, 131 and 113 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Cap 9:23] respectively. More

Appellant is a maternal grandparent with de facto custody of a minor child born on 22 December 2008, having assumed full responsibility for parenting the child whose mother died in a traffic accident in April 2016. The respondent is the father of the child who sought access to his child from the de facto custodian grandparent. He was granted that access on alternate weekends, from Friday to Sunday, and, for the first two weeks of each school holiday and on alternate public holidays. He was also later allowed to execute that right to access pending appeal. Appellant appealed against the... More

This matter was set down for hearing a number of times and the hearing could not proceed as expected. Firstly, when we sat to hear the matter on 27 October 2022, the second respondent’s counsel Mr T Mapfuwa took issue with the fact that there were two similar applications before the court, that is, HC 2058/22 and HC 5530/22 both involving same parties, same issues and same relief. The two records were indeed before us. The counsel for This matter was set down for hearing a number of times and the hearing could not proceed as expected. Firstly, when we... More

In or about 2000, the applicant and 32 others whose names she lists in an annexure to her affidavit occupied a farm in Nyabira. The exact name and description of the farm they occupy is in dispute as I shall show later. They have been in occupation ever since. Also in occupation of the land was one Chris Murove, against whom this court granted an order of ejectment at the instance of Landscapes Estates (Pvt) Ltd and Inveragus (Pvt) Ltd in case no HC 4281/03. More