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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application in which the applicant seeks the following order: “It is ordered that: 1. The respondent’s suspension letter of the 14th August 2011 be and is hereby declared null and void. 2. The disciplinary hearing held on the 3rd October 2011 and subsequent proceedings be and is (sic) hereby declared null and void and the respondent is hereby barred from further charging and prosecuting the applicant. 3. The respondent be and is hereby ordered to reinstate the applicant without loss of salary and benefits. 4. The respondent shall pay the costs of this application.” More

This matter emanates from a judgment I granted, with costs, in favour of the applicant on 13 September 2017 in HH614/17 (HC9698/17). More

The first applicant is a company duly registered in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. The second applicant is the Director of the first applicant. More

On 4 October 2017 the plaintiff issued summons seeking the following relief: 1. An order declaring the 1st to 3rd defendants creation of grower number 346 in the name of TIV Rukatya Estate (3rd respondent)and/or to the benefit of the 2nd and 3rd defendants and all subsequent payments of funds and proceeds into that account to be unlawful and null and void. 2. An order declaring the creation of grower number 346 in the name of TIV Rukatya Estate to have been intended to be (and/or resulted in) an unlawful diversion of proceeds and revenue to grower number 591 and... More

The parties in this matter have been engaged in protracted litigation that commenced with the plaintiff issuing summons against the defendant in May 2016. In the summons, the claim is stated as follows: a) “Payment in the total sum of ($30 286 747.86) Thirty Million Two Hundred and Eighty-Six Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty-Seven United States Dollars and Eighty-Six Cents. b) Interest on the above amount from 15 February 2016 being date of demand to date of full payment. c) Costs of suit. Being payment for architectural services rendered by Plaintiff to defendant at Defendant’s specific request and instance during... More