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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The first applicant is a nominated parliamentary candidate for the Movement For Democratic Change, the (“MDC”). He will stand for the Goromonzi West House of Assembly constituency seat in Mashonaland East Province. The second applicant is the Movement for Democratic Change a political party which fielded candidates for the presidential, parliamentary, senatorial and local council elections. More

On 2 September 2007 the first applicant, acting as a trustee for a company about to be formed entered into an agreement with one Marie Louise Morris in respect of the sale of an immovable property belonging to the latter. The sale was successfully concluded by the parties thereto. The purchaser of the property was not specifically identified and was referred to as Ian Spence Gray acting as trustee for a company about to be formed. It is common cause that the second applicant was incorporated as a company under the laws of this country on 8 November 2007. The... More

The applicant, a company incorporated in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe, approached this court with a chamberapplication. The application was filed under a certificate of urgency. The summarized facts of the case are that in December 2013 the Mining Commissioner issued a certificate of registration in favour of the 1st respondentwhich is a Mining Syndicate fronted by the 2ndrespondent in respect of mining claims known as Block 41573 Kimberly F (herein ‘Kimberly F’) located in Bindura. The 2nd,3rd and 4th respondents are members of Time of Hope Mining Syndicate, the 1st respondent in this case. Their connection to this... More

This matter was placed before me as an urgent chamber application during the lockdown period. I directed that the respondent files its notice of opposition and opposing affidavit and that all parties file heads of argument to enable me to make a determination on the papers. More

The applicant seeks an order compelling the second respondent to sign all documents necessary to cause the transfer of certain 56 pieces of land constituting an aggregate 60 hectares, to the applicant. In the event of the second respondent failing to comply with such order within seven (7) days of it being granted, the applicant wants the Sheriff ordered to sign all documents necessary to achieve that transfer. Additionally, the applicant seeks costs of suit on the legal practitioner and client scale against both respondents. The respondents opposed the application. More