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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Mr Hungwe of Messrs Hungwe and Partners legal Practitioners, Harare is the duly appointed executor in the above referred estate. The executor has been involved with this estate from 2005 up until now. Counsel has yet to draw up the final estate account. It is noted that this estate has been quite involving as it necessitated quite some protracted litigation in order to trace and fully account for some of the state assets. More

This is an application for the rescission of a judgment of my own that I gave on 24 September 2009 in favour of the applicant’s regarding the legality of the registration of various mining claims in the names of the applicants. It is important that I set out the order which I gave then and what thereafter occurred leading to the present proceedings. More

The applicant approached this Court seeking relief by way of a declaratur. More

This is an application for an order declaring the respondent’s alleged position that Zimbabwe dollar input tax cannot be offset against United States dollar denominated output tax at the prevailing interbank rate in computing value added tax in terms of s 15 and s 28, as read together with s 38(4) of the Value Added Tax Act [Chapter 23:12] to be unlawful and for the respondent to be ordered to re-assess the applicant’s value added tax obligations “for the relevant periods” in accordance with s 15, 28 and 38(4) “as declared herein”. The substance of the relief being sought by... More

This is a court application for revival of a court order in Case number HC 8256/16. The court order was granted on 28 December 2016 in favour of the Applicant against both first and second Respondents as surety and guarantor respectively, wherein the respondents were ordered to pay a sum of US$ 773 904.52 plus interest on the said capital sum of US$651 332.00 at the agreed rate of 7% per annum. Both respondents made arrangements to settle the debt owed to the Applicant through a Non-Resident Transitional Account held by CBZ Bank Limited for onward transmission to Applicant’s foreign... More