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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The facts of the matter are that the applicant and the first respondent are involved in a trial in the Magistrates Court. The first respondent which is the plaintiff in the matter sued the applicant who is the defendant for eviction from Shop no. 11 Corner 40 Cameron Street Harare. It is common cause that on 7 July 2023, the applicant arrived late for continuation of trial and found the court having issued a default judgment. It is on this basis that the applicant prepared and filed the present urgent chamber application for stay of execution of the default judgment... More

The applicant approached this Honourable court on an urgent basis seeking the following relief; it is ordered that, i) First respondents bar and restaurant operating at number 71 Central Avenue, Harare be and is hereby declared an unlawful nuisance infringing on applicant’s rights. ii) that the first respondents license to operate a bar and restaurant operating at number 71 central avenue issued without following due process be and is hereby declared null and void. iii) That the second and third respondent be and are hereby directed to revoke the issued license upon the issuance of this order, and lastly. iv)... More

On 5 March 2009 the plaintiff herein instituted proceedings against the three defendants, jointly and severally, the one paying the others to be absolved for the payment of an amount of US$ 30 306.13, interest at the prescribed rate and costs of suit. The defendants all entered appearance to defend and filed a joint plea. In due course the matter was referred to a pre-trial conference before a judge in chambers and it was thereafter referred to trial. A joint pre-trial conference was filed by the parties which encompassed the issues for trial as well as the admissions made. When... More

On 21 March 2017 we delivered an ex tempore judgment wherein we dismissed the appeal with costs. By letter dated 29 May 2017 the appellant counsel requested for written reasons for judgment, these are they. More

: In case No. HC 6193/20 I rendered a judgment ref HH 898/22 on 29 December 2022. The parties herein were applicant and respondent. In the said case the applicant as owner of a property occupied on lease by the respondent claimed for an order with costs for vindication of its property from the respondent and for the respondents’ ejection or eviction from the property. The property in issue is described as stand 22 Julius Nyerere way Harare. In my judgment aforesaid, I found for the applicant and granted its prayer. The respondent not being satisfied with my judgment noted... More