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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff issued summons against the defendant claiming 52 811 kilogrammes of cotton or, in the alternative, payment of a sum of US$37 802 and interest thereon, together with costs of suit. The claim is in respect of bales of seed cotton allegedly taken by the defendant’s agents from the plaintiff’s collection depots at Chinhoyi, Chiredzi, Chipoli, Mash East, and Mukumbura. More

The applicant herein seeks the following relief:- “1. That the respondents and all persons claiming occupation through them be and are hereby directed forthwith to vacate the property known as Greenhills Farm situate at the PrimaFlora farming operation in Tynwald, together with all their goods and chattels, and failing which the Deputy Sheriff together with such officers of the Zimbabwe Republic Police as he may require shall eject the respondents aforesaid together with all persons claiming occupation through them from the said premises. 2. That the respondents shall bear the costs of this application and all coats of the Deputy... More

The plaintiff issued summons against the defendants claiming payment of US$32 501-28 and interest at the rate of 6% permonth calculated monthly in advance and compounded monthly in arrears reckoned from 1 December 2012 to date of full and final payment together with collection commission and legal costs on an attorney and client scale. More

The plaintiff, a commercial bank which is in liquidation, instituted an action against the defendants claiming payment of the following: “(a) US$983149-19 being capital. (b) US$124 432-12 being interest (c) interest on the sum of US$983 149-19 at the penalty rate of 10% per annum over and above the rate of interest applicable to the first defendant’s overdraft from time to time from the 20th of May 2015 to date of full payment.” More

The parties referred to the court for determination as a stated case the single legal issue “whether costs of suit on an attorney client scale and collection commission as provided for under the Law Society of Zimbabwe By-laws (1982) are payable by the first and third defendants jointly and severally, the one paying the other to be absolved, and if not, to determine the appropriate scale of costs”. More