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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
At the center of the dispute of the applicant and the first respondent (“the parties”) is a piece of land which is situated in the district of Salisbury called Stand 223, Marimba Park Township, Marimba Park, Harare (“the property”). It is 2011 square meters in extent. It is held under Deed of Transfer 3607/21. More

The adage, “rest in peace”, expressed as R.I.P is often used when a loved one passes on. I have often wondered whether it is always appropriate in all instances given the nature of disputes that will be simmering during the life time of the deceased which often turn into an all-out-battle after death. In the process, estates are not finalised in the expected six months period. As a matter of fact, some estates take years to be finalised as in this present matter in which the deceased passed away on the 21st of March 2001. Letters of administration were issued... More

This is an application for rescission of a default judgment granted in favour of the respondent on 27 January 2016 under case number HC 12172/15. More

The 30 July, 2018 election was, in many respects, different from elections which preceded it. The election atmosphere was good. People interacted well during the campaigning period. They accommodated each others’ view points. They campaigned freely. They exercised their democratic right to vote, on voting day, without any hitches. More

This is an application for a spoliation order. More