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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff, a trade union organisation, instituted summons in each of the five matters claiming for payment of trade union dues due to it in terms of a Collective Bargaining Agreement. The defendants in each of the cases raised a special plea of lack of jurisdiction averring that the collective bargaining agreement is a contract between an employer and employee and thus non-payment of trade union dues is a labour matter for which the High Court has no jurisdiction. More

The two matters HC 6353/21 and 6649/21 were consolidated with the consent of the parties. I invited the parties to file supplementary heads of argument addressing the opposition under HC 6649/21. More

This matter is a consolidation of two cases HC 1380/20 and HC 1381/20 the parties of which are the same. In both matters, rescission of judgment is being sought. In HC1380/20, the applicant seeks the following relief: 1. The rescission of the judgment in HC 4945/18. 2. The joinder of the Applicant in Case No. HC 4945/18 3. That the 1st Respondent serves the Applicant with a copy of the application and founding affidavit in HC 4945/18 within 4 days from the date of this order being granted. 4. That Applicant is granted 10 days within which to file its... More

The plaintiffs are praying for an order against the defendants to the effect that the agreements of sale be and are hereby cancelled. That the fourth defendant be and is hereby restrained from effecting transfers in terms of the agreements. That the 2nd defendant bears costs on the higher scale of client- attorney. More

This judgment disposes of two matters dealing with predominantly the same parties and the dispute relates to the same piece of land. At the centre of these two urgent chamber applications is a dispute in respect of a certain piece of land situate in the communal land of Madicheche, Pfungwe under Chief Chitsungo herein after referred to as the mining location. John Mahudu ‘Mahudu’ is the applicant in HC 89/21. He alleges that the land is part of his field and it is currently under cultivation. Mahudu discovered some gold deposits in the field. Together with some partners Mahudu constituted... More