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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This matter began as an application for a declaratur that the purported issue and allotment of 245 and 124 ordinary shares to first defendant and one Victor Cohen respectively is null and void; that the CR2 return of the allotment is irregular and therefore null and void; and consequently that the second applicant’s shareholding did not change by virtue of these impugned issue and allotment. By judgment of this court on 13 November 2019, the matter was referred to trial, the disposal order of which judgment reads as follows: “In the result it is ordered as follows; 1. The applicants’... More

This is an appeal against sentence only. 2. The appellant, a fifty year old woman, was charged with assault as defined in s 89(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] (the Criminal Law Code). 3. The alternative charge was Criminal insult as defined in s 95(1)(a) of the Criminal Law Code. The allegations were that on 22 and 28 September 2021 and at Waverley Blankets (Pvt) Ltd, Graniteside in Harare the appellant had, by words and conduct seriously impaired the dignity of the complainant with the intent to do so by burging into his office uninvited... More

CHIRAWU-MUGOMBA J: Over the years, this court has been inundated with applications for substituted service in matrimonial matters. In most instances, the plaintiff will claim that the whereabouts of the defendant are unknown and they thus seek an order to resort to other means of service of process. The most popular means is publication in a newspaper circulating within Zimbabwe. More

“The first respondent be and is hereby interdicted from alienating or otherwise disposing of or dealing with the rights of the third and fourth respondents arising out of the memoranda of understanding concluded between the applicants and the first respondent at Harare on 25 July 2008 and 13 October 2006, pending the outcome of an arbitration to be instituted by the applicants in Paris in accordance with the afore mentioned memoranda of understanding More

This matter was set to be heard by my brother BHUNU J on 24 January, 2011 at 09.00 hours but could not because the first respondent had filed its opposing papers shortly before 09.00 hours. BHUNU J then postponed it sine die to enable the applicants to file a replying affidavit by 31 January, 2011 and thereafter, parties were to file supplementary heads of argument by 3 February, 2011. Subsequently, the matter was set down for hearing on 4 February, 2011 but was then postponed to 14 February, 2011 when it found its way to me for the simple reason... More