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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant and the first respondent are husband and wife being married in terms of the Marriage Act [Chapter 5:11] and the marriage still subsists. What has brought the parties before the court is not a matrimonial dispute but consequences arising from a commercial transaction concluded between the first respondent and the second respondent Tynserve Distributors (Pvt) Ltd. The latter has attached half share of a jointly owned property. More

This chamber application was placed before me curiously titled, “Chamber application for the Master’s Consent in terms of order 32, Rule 249(1) (b). The relief sought was the ‘approval’ for the sale of stand 16834 Ruwa township of Sebastopol measuring 300 square metres held under Deed no. 3534/2009. This property is currently registered in the names of the applicant and her minor child one Ryan Tafadzwa Chipere. The chamber application in its heading completely misses the mark as it is not the role of the Master of the High Court to ‘consent’ to sales of properties belonging to a minor... More

This is an application for the setting aside of the decision of the first respondent, the Master of the High Court (hereinafter referred to as “the Master”), in terms of which the first respondent dismissed an objection to the Second Interim Liquidation and Distribution Account prepared by the second respondent in respect of the company known as Kunganda Farm (Private) Limited. More

This is an urgent chamber application in which the applicants seek in the interim a stay of the proceedings in the Magistrates Court Case No. MC7485/10. The final relief sought is that the first, second and third respondent be interdicted from continuing with “the execution of the default judgment granted by the first respondent under case number MC7485/10.” More

On 31 July, 2012 a legal entity which is known as Roberts Drive Investments (Private) Limited (“Roberts”) sold to Kangausaru Investments (Private) Limited (“Kangausaru”), the first respondent herein, 3000 Class F Shares. The shares relate to Unit No. 8, 75 Roberts Drive, Msasa, Harare (“the property”). More