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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 24 October 2017, my brother Judge, FOROMA J granted a provisional order in favour of the applicants in the following terms; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: TERMS OF THE FINAL RELIEF That you show cause to this Honourable Court why a final order should not be made in the following terms 1. 1st respondent be and is hereby compelled to release all documents necessary to enable applicants to exercise their right of first refusal in respect of a certain piece of land situate in the District of Salisbury measuring 9465 square metres held under deed 3351/73 otherwise known as... More

The plaintiff and the defendant were joined in holy matrimony in terms of the Marriage Act [Chapter 5:11] on 16 May 1994 at Harare and their marriage still subsists. Their marriage was blessed with two children who are now of majority status. The marriage relationship between the parties has hit rock bottom such that on 15 July 2015 plaintiff lodged thisaction seeking dissolution of the marriage and the distribution of the assets of the spouse in terms of the Matrimonial Cause Act, [Chapter 5:13]. More

MAKARAU J: The parties were married at Hwange on 12 January 1990. The marriage still subsists. There are two minor children of the marriage, namely Ngoni Rutendo, a daughter aged thirteen, and Kudzaishe Anesu, a son, aged 10. Certain differences have crept into the relationship between the plaintiff and the defendant, resulting in the plaintiff instructing her legal practitioners to issue summons out of this court, claiming a decree of divorce, an order granting her custody of Ngoni and Kudzaishe, maintenance for the minor children and an award of the assets of the matrimony under section 7 of the Matrimonial... More

This matter was placed before me as an urgent chamber application having been filed on the 23rd of February 2021. Upon receipt I gave directions for the filing of notices of opposition and opposing affidavits as well as heads of argument. The second respondent did not file a notice of opposition and as a result the court took it that he will abide by the decision rendered. The applicants through the urgent chamber application seek an interdict and on the return date a review. Ordinarily an application for review should be filed separately but given the prevailing COVID lockdown and... More

On 5March 2021 under HC 136/21 , in a decisionpending the hearing of a review matter, Justice Chirawu-Mugomba of the High Court issued a provisionalorderinterdictingthefirstrespondent,Patricia Darangwa herein, from administering the estate of the late Genius Kadungure under DR No.177/20. The Master of the High Court, the second respondentherein was also interdicted from accepting any process in relation to the administration of the estate of the late Genius Kadungure under DR No. 177/20 filed by and on behalf of the first respondent. Furthermore, the first respondent was interdicted from presenting the letters of administration issued to her in Zimbabwe under DR... More