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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 7 April 2010 the plaintiff herein issued summons against the defendants, jointly and severally claiming an amount of USD$364 434-00. The defendants duly entered appearance to defend the summons and filed a plea in their defence. The plaintiff has now approached this court for an order for summary judgment in the amount claimed on the basis that the defendants do not have a defence to the claim and that they have merely entered appearance for purposes of delay. More

Applicants own properties concerning which first respondent sought their inclusion in the Estate of Late Solomon Ruzambu Tapfumanei Mujuru (the Estate) on the basis that applicants were the deceased’s alter egos. In response, applicants filed this application seeking joinder in HC 2370/2020 on the grounds that as registered owners of the properties in question, they had an interest to protect regarding those properties. More

At the hearing the respondents were now represented. Previously they had filed their papers in person. A number of things had been done wrong. Among others, the notice of opposition had been signed and filed by the first respondent purportedly for and on behalf of the rest of the respondents. The respondents had also filed a fourth set of affidavits without the leave of the court or judge as required by Order 32 r 235 of the Rules of this court. The one affidavit was titled “3RD RESPONDING (sic) AFFIDAVIT”. The other affidavits by some of the respondents were all... More

The applicant is charged with armed robbery on five counts. He is currently on trial at the Magistrates Court, Harare. The applicant is a member of the Zimbabwe Republic Police. He is aged 28 and resides at 1207 Muzikanwi Street, Dzivarasekwa, Harare. His co-accused, Samson Chigwende, is a member of the Police Special Constabulary in Dzivarasekwa, Harare. He is also aged 28. He resides at 7802 Tynwald South and works for ZESA. More

The applicants together with other seven co-accused persons are charged with five counts of armed robbery as defined in terms of s 126 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] (“the Criminal Code”). More