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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant, Amina Mukuya was customarily married to Austin Mukuya, who died on 15 November 2012 leaving 4 children. Sometime in 1981 the deceased acquired a lease within an option to purchase stand C63 Chegutu Township from Chegutu Municipality. The rental status granted to the deceased was upgraded to home ownership status in 1988. The papers from Chegutu Municipality show that one Imulani Mukuya acquired ownership of the stand in 1993, the record reflects cancellation of 2254/88 and registration of 3169/93 which reflects the names of Imulani Mukuya. Sometime in 2014 Imulani Mukuya sold C63 Chegutu8 Township to the respondent. More

A Mr Abrahum Petros Louw Van Niekerk (Van Niekerk) by virtue of a Deed of Transfer 7477/73 was the registered owner of a certain piece of land situate in the District of Salisbury called the remaining extent of Lushof of Shinghaini measuring 428, 2613 hectares. (the property). On 8 March 2001, Van Niekerk offered the property for sale to applicant. On 24 July 2001, first respondent issued to Van Niekerk a certificate of no present interest (Co N P I) which indicated that neither the President nor the Government had any intention to acquire the land in question. The Co... More

The applicants applied to this court for the following remedy; “1. That the 1st and 2nd respondents and all those claiming occupation through them be and are hereby ordered to vacate from the premises at stand 13975 Salisbury Township of Salisbury Township Lands Community known as stand 13 975 Plover Avenue Mt Pleasant Harare within seven days of the service of this order on them. More

This is an urgent chamber application for an interim order that pending determination of the present matter on the return date the first respondent forthwith delivers to the Sheriff all the machinery and equipment listed in the applicant’s papers and for such machinery and equipment to be kept under the custody of the second respondent with the third respondent exercising supervision over such custody. The final order sought is that pending determination of the application for rescission of judgment instituted by the applicant under Case No. HC 8599/18 the machinery and equipment referred to in the interim relief be “parked... More

It is this order that I seek to set aside mero motu having since realised that I made the order in error, as the order is null and void as I will explain. This matter came before me as an application for bail pending appeal. The applicant had been convicted of contravening Section 60A of the Electricity Act [Chapter 13:19] and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment. The State had filed a response on 15 September 2021 in which it commented that the applicant had been properly convicted and sentenced, and that there were no prospects of success on appeal. When... More