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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is a court application for a Decree of Perpetual Silence against the respondent who is a very litigious individual and has instituted several court processes whose result has been to frustrate the applicant. More

Plaintiff issued summons against the defendant claiming $13 700 “arising from a deposit of sum made to plaintiff’s account, which was unlawfully taken by defendant without a proper court order or notice. The amount having been earned by plaintiff through a lawful transaction for the sale of a motor vehicle.” More

It is a well-established principle of our jurisprudential undertone that this court is loath to interfere with unterminated proceedings at the lower courts. The applicant wishing to convince this court to interfere with such uncompleted proceedings must demonstrate existence of exceptional circumstances. The applicants made tireless and spirited efforts to display exceptional state of affairs but this court is of the opinion that the applicants’ case is not a discernable paragon meeting the requisite threshold. More

This is a claim for damages for interference with a lease agreement in the sum of ZAR 2 620 000-00. The basis upon which the claim is founded is that the defendant unlawfully took possession of a bus which was the subject of a lease agreement between the plaintiff and one Norman Gasa thereby depriving the plaintiff of the rentals which would have been paid to it by the said Norman Gasa who was the lessee. More

: The applicant has approached this court seeking an order declaring all the respondents herein to be in contempt of court for failure to comply with an order given under HH 08/11 in which the applicant was awarded damages in lieu of reinstatement. The applicant seeks that the respondents be imprisoned for 90 days the period of which is to be suspended on condition that the respondents comply with the order within 14 days. The application is opposed by the third respondent only who incidentally is the former employer of the applicant. More