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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Plaintiff issued summons claiming the following relief; (a) That the agreement of sale be and is hereby cancelled. (b) That second defendant be compelled to transfer stand number 3437, Highfield, Harare, to plaintiff within seven days from the date of this order failing which the deputy sheriff or his lawful assistant be authorized to sign all transfer documents on behalf of second defendant. (c) That first and second defendants pay the costs of suit jointly and severally, the one paying the other to be absolved. More

The applicant seeks a Provisional Order in the following terms: “TERMS OF FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That you show cause to this Honourable Court why a final order should not be made in the following terms: 1. The respondents be and are hereby barred from interfering with applicant’s property, Mbizi Milling Company, and operations there other than in terms of a lawful order. 2. That the respondents shall bear the costs of this application on a legal practitioner and client scale jointly and severally the one paying the others to be absolved. More

When this matter came before me for Pre-trial conference on 31 July 2012, I gave directions to the plaintiff which are contained in the record. I also directed that the parties should hold a round table conference. More

The applicant is a medical practitioner. In 2015 he appeared before a disciplinary committee duly constituted in terms of s 112 (2) of the Health Professions Act [Chapter 28:19] facing three counts of performing acts pertaining to the profession or calling in an unethical, improper or disgraceful manner alternatively improper or disgraceful conduct, when regard is had to his profession or calling. More

The parties having agreed that their marriage has irretrievably broken down to the extent that it can longer be restored to a normal marriagesigned a consent paper on 3 July 2017 wherein they agreed on the apportionment of the parties’ movable assets and the issue of the welfare of their major child Shingai Tariro Masenda who is still at university doing his mastersdegree. The parties could not agree on what immovable property constitutes their matrimonial estate and how it should be shared. Resultantly, 2 issues were referred to trial: (a) What immovable property forms part of the matrimonial estate? (b)... More