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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant in this matter was charged with and convicted of assault in July 1999. He was fined $400 or in default of payment ordered to serve two months in prison. He was further sentenced to imprisonment for one month, all of which was suspended for five years on certain conditions. He successfully appealed against both conviction and sentence More

On 14 June 2013, I granted the applicant leave to file an additional supporting affidavit in the matter which was before me; an application for rescission of judgment and upliftment of bar. Advocate Mpofu for the first respondent immediately expressed displeasure with my ruling and sought leave to appeal to the Supreme Court against the interlocutory order I had granted. I granted the applicant leave to appeal and indicated that I will give my reasons for allowing the filing of an additional supporting affidavit by the applicant. I now proceed to do so. More

On 22nd May 2006 I issued a Provisional Order in favour of the applicants. I have now been requested to furnish reasons for judgment by the second and third respondents. These are they. This matter was initially set down for hearing before me on 2nd May 2006. At the hearing I directed that the matter be stood down to Friday to allow the respondents to file heads of argument as Mr Drury on behalf of the applicants had filed heads of argument. On the 5th May the respondents were not ready and the matter was rolled over to the following... More

The applicant seeks an order compelling 1st respondent to consent to the cancellation of a mortgage bond No. 2181/2004. The mortgage bond was registered in 1st respondent’s favour in 2004. The mortgage bond was securing a loan that the 1st respondent advanced to the applicant in the same year. The founding affidavit was deposed to by Agnes Danda, by virtue of a special power of attorney granted to her by the applicant. More

The applicant is former owner of Ivordale Farm (“the farm”). It is 1059.167 hectares in extent. It is situated in the district of Goromonzi under Mashonaland East Province. More