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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff issued summons claiming: 1. Payment of $135 964 920-00 being monies due and payable to the plaintiff in respect of unpaid salary and benefits in terms of the contract of employment which the plaintiff gave written notice to terminate beginning 1 October 2004 2. Interest from 1 January 2008 to date of payment in full calculated at the prescribed rate 3. The release of the Isuzu KB 320 registration No. 780-824W to the plaintiff within 48 hours of the date of this order and 4. Costs of suit. Defendant entered an appearance to defend. More

The plaintiff and defendant were married to each other at Harare on 12 February 1988 in terms of the Marriages Act, [Cap 5:11]. Their marriage was blessed with two children of whom only one is still a minor. The minor child was born on the 11 March 1995. More

The applicant, Tendai Biti (“Biti”) is leader of the People’s Democratic Part and Vice – President of the Movement for Democratic Change- Alliance. He filed this application under s 27 of the High Court Act as read with r 62 of the High Court Rules, 2021. He is reviewing the decision of the magistrate who, on 31 August 2018 and sitting at Harare: More

The applicant applies for bail pending appeal. He was convicted on 8 counts of unlawful entry in aggravating circumstances as defined in s 131 (1) as read with s 131 (2) of the Criminal Law Codification & Reform Act, [Chapter 9:23]. The applicant was alleged to have acted with his 3 accomplices and broken into several residences where they stole property between the period 6 October, 2013 to 6 March, 2014. The applicant was sentenced to various terms of imprisonment by count with some counts made to run concurrently and in some counts with portions of imprisonment terms being suspended... More

That the authority of the State vests in the government of the day is, in my view, trite. That such authority is exercised through tiers of government should be common knowledge. Historically, tiers of government consisted, mainly, of the national government and local authorities. (See s 5 of the constitution). However, Zimbabwe, like other modern constitutional democracies, has embraced the new concept of tiers of government in terms of which the constitution requires the government to delegate certain of its traditional functions to commissions, agencies of government and entities wholly owned or controlled by the State (including companies), which, despite... More