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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application in terms Order 40 r 348A(5a) for an order suspending the sale in execution of the immovable property known as 2061 Bluffhill Township of Stand 1180 Bluffhill Township, Harare pursuant to a judgment granted against the applicants in Case No. HC 8106/15. More

The applicant filed an urgent chamber application seeking stay of execution of a warrant for civil imprisonment issued at the instance of the first respondent. According to the draft order attached to the application, the applicant seeks relief in the following terms: More

This is an urgent application in which the applicants seek to interdict an order for eviction and demolition of their properties from specified stands in Manyame, Chitungwiza. More

The applicant filed this application seeking an order for the eviction of the first, second and third respondents and costs of suit. The facts of this case can be summarized from the founding affidavit filed by Lovemore Magwenzi. These are as follows: More

The background to this matter is as follows. The respondent’s business is to collect, store and disseminate public information on persons likely to use the banking services or credit facilities of financial institutions. In terms of the respondent’s standard contract with its clients, the latter use its centralised system to check the antecedents of their customers so as to avoid the possibility of civil or criminal default. According to the Preamble to that contract, the respondent operates a credit protection bureau on behalf of the Zimbabwe Financial Clearing Association (ZFCA). The ZFCA provides information for its registered and associated members,... More