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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The first plaintiff’s claim as amended is for the replacement cost of his motor vehicle, being a 1996 model Mitsubishi Canter truck imported from Japan in the amount of USD 7000 and ZAR 58 043,99 for freight and duty charges. More

This matter was filed consequent upon my judgment involving the same parties as herein cited which I delivered referenced HH 530-22 in case no. HC 1540/21 on 3 August 2022. The Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing had been a party in case no. HC 1540/21. However, no relief was claimed from him and he is not cited in the current proceedings. Just to recap, in case no. HC 5140/21, the applicants had pursuant to filing the said application, been granted under case no. HC 9690/21 by MUNANGATI-MANONGWA J, on 1 April 2021 an order of condonation... More

The applicants are owners of immovable properties in the splush suburb of Mount Pleasant Heights, Harare. The area of Mount Pleasant Heights in which their properties are situate is called Bannockburn. To that end they own properties in Bannockburn as follows: (a) 1st and 10th applicant – stand 950. (b) 2nd applicant –Stand 947 (c) 3rd applicant – Stand 949 (d) 4th applicant – Stand 939 (e) 5th applicant – Stand 931 (f) 6th applicant – Stand 913 (g) 7th and 9th applicant – Stand 945 (h) 8th applicant – not stated More

The plaintiff herein claims the sum of US$150,000 as damages for malicious misconduct allegations brought against him by the defendant in April 2008. The defendant denies any malice or illegality on its part. More

The applicant seeks the following order - “1………….. 2. The 1st Respondent is hereby declared and consequently confirmed as a substantive Divisional Intelligence Officer in the employ of the 2nd Respondent with effect from 1st July 2013. 3. Consequently, Respondents jointly and severally are ordered to reflect the records of the Applicant as such as per paragraph 1 of this order, including updating and paying entitlements applicable to the position of Divisional Intelligence Officer effective 1st of July 2013. 4. The Respondents pay costs of suit on a legal practitioner and client scale jointly and severally the one paying the... More